霧による視界不良等を原因とした海難を防止するため、5つの約束事 「霧五戒」 を守りましょう。
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霧五戒(Five Requests to Navigation in The Dense Fog)
1 On April 1, 2009, the Enforcement Regulations of the Port Regulations Law are to be amended and the Nanko fairway off Osaka Area of Hanshin Port are changed to hose near the Control Gate of Osaka Nanko.
2 In addition to the existing Signal Office of Nanko, the second Nanko signal office will newly be established near the South Breakwater Base of Osaka Nanko.
3 Vessels of 5,000 tons gross and more shall inform Osaka Coast Guard Office of the ETA when coming in, or of the ETD when going out, through the Nanko Fairway, by noon on the day before.
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Notification of Amendment of the Enforcement Regulations of the Port Regulations Law
1 平成21年4月1日に港則法施行規則が改正され、阪神港大阪区の南港水路が大阪南港関門付近に変わります。
2 既存の南港信号所に加え、新たに大阪南港南防波堤基部付近に南港第二信号所を設置して信号を表示します。
3 総トン数5千トン以上の船舶は、南港水路を航行して入航しようとするときは南港水路入口付近に達する予定時刻を、南港水路を航行して出航しようとするときは運航開始予定時刻を、それぞれ前日の正午までに大阪海上保安監部に通報しなければなりません。
The Enforcement Ordinance of the Port Regulations is to be amended on December 1 , 2007 .
Based on this amendment, Osaka Port, Kobe Port and Amagasaki-Nishinomiya-Ashiya Port are unified into Hanshin Port and accordinagly, the course signals are partly changed as indicated below :