Entering the Destination Port

  1. 目的港がLOCODEを有する場合
    (例:目的港がサンフランシスコ(米国)の場合・・・>US SFO)
  2. 目的港がLOCODEを有しない場合は、又は目的港のLOCODEが不明な場合
    (例:目的港が米国西海岸(West Coast)の場合・・・>===US WC)
  3. 目的港の港名が不明な場合
    →LOCODEの代わりに「?? ???」を入力
  1. When your destination port have a certain UN/LOCODE ;
    e.g. San Francisco, USA (USSFO):
    The search system will show the UN/LOCODE of the port, so enter the code shown in the column of "LOCODE" in the search result.
  2. When your destination port does not have a certain UN/LOCODE or only the general area of your destination is known:
    e.g. West Coast, USA(===US WC)
    The search system will result in no match, so enter the general English name of the port or the area preceded by “===" (three equal signs."
  3. If your destination port is yet to be known:
    Enter “?? ???" instead of the code or the name of the port, etc,.

Search Methods

キーワード Input Keyword :
検索対象 Search Target:

Search Result

N/A:Not Applicable(該当なし)
 :The port governed by the Act on Port Regulations in Japan.(港則法適用港)
The Name of Area
The Name of Country