Recommendation of the Road page 35/46
このページは Recommendation of the Road の電子ブックに掲載されている35ページの概要です。
Vessels other than object vessels also can send a position report.‘Time to start navigation’ means the time when a vessel leave the coast or leave their berth inorder to enter Kanmon Passage or Kanm....
Vessels other than object vessels also can send a position report.‘Time to start navigation’ means the time when a vessel leave the coast or leave their berth inorder to enter Kanmon Passage or Kanmon Passage No.2.Type of the vessel to be reported Time of the report Reporting ItemsVessels of 300 G/T or more butless than 10,000 G/T (less than3,000 G/T for vessels carryingoil) equipped with AutomaticIdentification System (AIS) andproperly operating it andintending to enter KanmonPassage No.2 from KanmonPassage.Name of the vessel, callsign, passing position,abbreviation of positionreporting line, grosstonnage, draft, anddestinationVessels of 10,000 G/T or over(3,000 G/T or over for vesselscarrying oil), intending to enterKanmon Passage No.2 fromoutside of the Kanmon Portarea.When passing a position reportingline.Name of the vessel, callsign, passing position,and abbreviation ofposition reporting lineVessels of 300 G/T or over,leaving Kanmon Port (excludesHibiki Shinko area and Sin-Moji area).The time of starting navigation.However, vessels leaving WakamatsuTraffic Route from WA Line shallreport the time of crossing WA Line,and vessels leaving the port fromChofu area shall report the time ofcrossing CS line.Name of the vessel, callsign, passing position,abbreviation of positionreporting line, grosstonnage, draft, anddestinationVessels towing, pushing orholding objects, navigatingKanmon Passage and KanmonPassage No.2. (Except vesselsequipped with AIS andoperating it properly).The time of crossing a positionreporting line.However, vessels leaving the portshall report the time of startingnavigation, vessels leavingWakamatsu Traffic Route shall reportthe time of crossing WA Line, andvessels leaving from Chofu area shallreport the time of crossing CS Line.Name of the vessel, callsign, passing position,abbreviation of positionreporting line, grosstonnage, draft,destination, and totallength of towing vesseland towed object.② Method of Report (Please report it in one of the following ways.)a. Report by radio communicationWhen communicating by VHF, call up ”Kanmon Martis”, and then say the word “Ichi Tsuho(position report)” before starting report.Name ofcommunication StationMeans ofreport Call sign Callingfrequency Workingfrequency7th Regional CoastGuard Headquarters VHF Moji-Hoan 156.80MHz(CH16)156.60MHz(CH12)b. Report by telephoneTelephone number: 093-372-0090 (or -0099)(3) Keeping contact with the CenterVessel equipped with VHF are requested to listening to 156.80MHz (CH16) to keep contact withthe Center.