For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters

For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters page 98/120


このページは For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters の電子ブックに掲載されている98ページの概要です。

- 94 -Chapter 2 Carrying on Board Essential Charts for Safe NavigationsStandards of Charts Required for Safety of NavigationShips sailing in areas around Japan shall carry on board the nautical charts....

- 94 -Chapter 2 Carrying on Board Essential Charts for Safe NavigationsStandards of Charts Required for Safety of NavigationShips sailing in areas around Japan shall carry on board the nautical charts for the sea areas ofscheduled navigation according to the following table. Foreign charts with similar size and scalepublished by foreign governments based on WGS-84 are acceptable.To grasp the situation of scheduled navigation, it's encouraged to carry on board "SailingDirections", "Tide Table", "List of Fishing Gear Gixed Places" and so on.In Ship Safety Law, Ships which are not obliged to carry charts on board should carry charts or"Small Ship's Navigation Guide" as long as possible.Classification of sea area of scheduled navigation Charts required for safety of navigationOutside of Japanese territorial waters (The high seasadjacent to approach to Japanese waters) Charts of scale larger than 1/500,000Within Japanese territorial waters Charts of scale larger than 1/250,000Sea areas to which the Maritime traffic Safety LawappliesCharts related to sea area of scheduled navigation(See attached table)Sea areas to where Japanese Port Regulation LawappliesCharts of the largest scale of those related to the seaarea of scheduled navigationNote: When a correction is made by Notices to Mariners, the charts shall be updated immediately.