For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters page 91/120
このページは For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters の電子ブックに掲載されている91ページの概要です。
- 87 -(2) Reporting instructionsAs a rule, reports should be sent through radiotelegraphic calls to the relevant coastalstati....
- 87 -(2) Reporting instructionsAs a rule, reports should be sent through radiotelegraphic calls to the relevant coastalstations of Japan Coast Guard. In this case, there is no reporting charge.Methods other than radiotelegraphic calls, including TELEX to Japan Coast Guard, writtendocuments, public telegram or public phone to the nearest coast guard station orcommunication controlling office, are also acceptable with communication charges.Relevant coastal stationsWhere to send TELEXJapan Coast Guard, Guard and Rescue DepartmentControl Division, Operation Command CenterTELEX No.222-5193(Answer back code: 2225193 JMSAHQJ)