For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters page 88/120
このページは For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters の電子ブックに掲載されている88ページの概要です。
- 84 -When a report is made, express the current course on the E line in three-digit group, andestimated average ....
- 84 -When a report is made, express the current course on the E line in three-digit group, andestimated average speed for the entire passage on the F line in three-digit group in knots andtenths of knots.Example: E/333//for a course of 333°F/123//for a speed of 12.3 knots⑤ Line X (Reference data item)These are optional, but when reported, provide ship’s telephone number, DSC ID number,contents of the cargo and so on.Example: X/61-1234/gasoline// for ship’s telephone number “61-1234”0Z//for the estimatedtime of next reporting at 1500 hours on the 25th (GMT)