For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters page 6/120
このページは For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters の電子ブックに掲載されている6ページの概要です。
- 2 -Table 1-1 See areas along shore of Japan where fog occurs frequentlySee areas Fog periodMatureStageRemarks(1) Vicinity of Inubo Saki May-August July(2) Vicinity of Kinkazan May-AugustJulyJune(3) ....
- 2 -Table 1-1 See areas along shore of Japan where fog occurs frequentlySee areas Fog periodMatureStageRemarks(1) Vicinity of Inubo Saki May-August July(2) Vicinity of Kinkazan May-AugustJulyJune(3) Tsugaru Kaikyo April-AugustJuneJulyA great deal of dense fog in seenespecially in July and August.(4)Vicinity of ErimoMisaki NemuroMay-August July(5)Kuril's Ostrova(Kurile Islands)SummerperiodDuring the summer period the islands arepractically covered with fog.(6) Seto Naikai March-JulyAprilMayJuneFog shows a sharp decrease with the endof the rainy season. In the circumferenceof Osaka Bay, Bisan Seto, Hiuchi Nada,Aki Nada and Iyo Nada fog occursfrequently. Attention is to be given toOsaka Bay even during the wintermonths.(1) Front FogThis fog occurs most frequenty in spring as well as in fall. It occurs frequently in the rainfallarea on the north side of the cold front extending from the east-northeast to thesouth-southwest and advancing south slowly.To put it another way, there is a front extending roughly from east to west in the Sea ofJapan, and both on its south side and its north side an isobar runs roughly parallel to it. On thenorth side of the front, there is rain and when the front goes south slowly, the most stringentprecautions become necessary.(2) Sea FogThe rainy season is also a season of sea fog. It is this season when casualties in fog occurfrequently. (May, June, July)The weather map and an illustration of cloud for a typical Bai-u (seasonal rain) pattern onJune XX are shown in Figs. 1-2 and 1-3, from which it becomes quite clear that on the northside of the Bai-u (seasonal rain) front extending from east to west, extensive sea fog occurs.(Refer to Fig. 1-2 and 1-3)