For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters page 54/120
このページは For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters の電子ブックに掲載されている54ページの概要です。
- 50 -(b) In the case of written notificationsWritten notification may be submitted as shown in the Annexed Table and sentdirectly to the office(Note) In the “Remarks” column, give the names of rela....
- 50 -(b) In the case of written notificationsWritten notification may be submitted as shown in the Annexed Table and sentdirectly to the office(Note) In the “Remarks” column, give the names of related vessels and users of the vessels ifthere are vessels equipped for fire-fighting operations standing by.Annexed TableI hereby notify you of the following in accordance with the provision of Article 22 of theMaritime Traffic Safety Law:(2) Name and gross tonnage of the vessel (3) Length of vessel (Huge vessels only)(4) Maximum draught (Huge vessels only)(5) Types of dangerous cargo and amount of each type(Vessel carrying dangerous cargo only)(6) Distance between the bow of the towing vessel and the stern of the objectbeing to wed or distance between the stern of the pushing vessel and the foreend of the object being pushed. (Applies only to vessels towing or pushingobjects).(7) Description of the object (Applies only to vesseltowing or pushing objects)(8) Port of destination (Applies only to vessel for whichdestination has been fixed)Name of traffic route Name of traffic routes (9)Section to be navigated and time of entry or departure(Time should be denoted by 2400 hrs system)(10), (11)Estimated date and time of entryEstimated date and time of entryEstimated date and time of departure(12), (13) Method of communications with MSA (Callsign or call name, if a vessel has ship radio station)(14) Name and address of message conveyorRemarksNotes: 1. The size of paper for this form shall be A-4 (approximately 30cm X 22cm) of the JapanIndustrial Standard.2. Sections of the traffic route to be navigated shall be entered as "entire area" or "from Southernentry to NO. 4 Buoy" for example.3. Description of the object in (7) above shall include information on type, length, width, height,etc. of the object.Huge vesselVessel carrying dangerous cargoVessel to wing objects, etc.Notification of estimated dateand time of navigation.(1)Name of addressDateName of masterName of person who forwards thisnotification and; his address