For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters

For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters page 53/120


このページは For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters の電子ブックに掲載されている53ページの概要です。

- 49 -(b) Written notificationWritten notification made according to the annexed table may be brought to regional coast guardheadquarters, coast guard supervision offices, co....

- 49 -(b) Written notificationWritten notification made according to the annexed table may be brought to regional coast guardheadquarters, coast guard supervision offices, coast guard offices, coast guard aircraft bases, coastguard stations or vessels traffic advisories. It may also be sent to the Traffic Route Department bymail or fax.(c) Notification by telegramSubmit directly to the Traffic Route Department.(d) Notification by telephoneCall directly to the Traffic Route Department. However, this is only done by captain of the vessel.(e) Notification by electronic information processing systemContact directly to the Traffic Route Department for each traffic route to be navigated.* Notification by written document or by telephone is accepted only when the transmitter who transmits amessage from Japan Coast Guard to the captain of a huge vessel can be chosen.