For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters

For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters page 48/120


このページは For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters の電子ブックに掲載されている48ページの概要です。

- 44 -Fig. 2-17Fig. 2-18 Fig. 2-19d. In Mizushima Traffic Route,(a) Vessels should keep navigating in the rightside of the traffic route as much aspossible.(b) In order to avoid t....

- 44 -Fig. 2-17Fig. 2-18 Fig. 2-19d. In Mizushima Traffic Route,(a) Vessels should keep navigating in the rightside of the traffic route as much aspossible.(b) In order to avoid the danger when a hugevessel and other vessel (a vessel of 70m orover and less than 200m in length)encounter within the traffic route, JapanCoast Guard will instruct the other vesselto wait outside of the traffic route bysignaling or other method. Then the vesselmust follow the instruction. (For signals inthe case, see “(6) Traffic control signals inIrago Suido Traffic Route and MizushimaTraffic Route.”)e. In Kurusima Kaikyo Traffic Route vesselsshould navigate Naka Suido (mid-channel)with the tidal current and navigate Nishi Suido(West channel) against the tidal current.(Refer to Fig. 2-18, 2-19)(5) Notification Concerning Navigation of Huge Vessels or Other Particular Vessels andInstructions to be Given to These Vessels