For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters

For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters page 38/120


このページは For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters の電子ブックに掲載されている38ページの概要です。

- 34 -(3) Vessels which receive special treatment in application of the Law① Huge Vessels are:Vessels whose length is 200 metres or more. In navigating traffic r....

- 34 -(3) Vessels which receive special treatment in application of the Law① Huge Vessels are:Vessels whose length is 200 metres or more. In navigating traffic routes, they must giveadvance notification to the maritime Safety Agency and obey instruction given by the sameAgency.② Vessels engaged in fishing or other operations are:a. Vessels which are engaged in fishing with nets, lines or other fishing apparatus withrestrict maneuverability and which exhibit the lights markings required by the Law forPreventing Collisions at Sea.b. Vessels which are engaged in construction or other similar operations with permission,which are restricted in her ability to keep out of the way of another approaching vesselfrom the nature of her work and which exhibit the following lights (by night) or markings(by day).