For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters

For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters page 34/120


このページは For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters の電子ブックに掲載されている34ページの概要です。

- 30 -Table 2-7 North Waterway (Nagoya North Signal Station)Waterwayand SignalStationSignal Type ControlledvesselsVessels Subjectto ControlVessels lessthan 500GTRemarksEntrysignalIFlashingEntry OKDepa....

- 30 -Table 2-7 North Waterway (Nagoya North Signal Station)Waterwayand SignalStationSignal Type ControlledvesselsVessels Subjectto ControlVessels lessthan 500GTRemarksEntrysignalIFlashingEntry OKDeparture NGDeparturesignalOFlashingDeparture OKEntry NGFreesignalFFlashingEntry andDeparture NGEntry andDeparture OKEntry andDepartureOKEFlashingEntry andDeparture NGNorth WaterwayEntry andDeparture OKEast WaterwayDeparture OKWest WaterwaySpecial Departure NGsignalW FlashingNorth WaterwayEntry andDeparture OKWest WaterwayDeparture OKEast WaterwayDeparture NGEntry andDepartureOKThis signalindicates whichwaterway (East orWest) vesselssubject to controldeparting from theport via the NorthWaterway mayuse.ProhibitionsignalXContinuously lit Entry and Departure NGOnly vesselsspecified by theCaptain of the Portmay enter anddepart from theport.XIBy-turn flashingously litSignal will changeinto flashing "I"soon.XOBy-turn flashingously litSignal will changeinto flashing "O"soon.XFBy-turn flashingously litSignal will changeinto flashing "F"soon.XEBy-turn flashingously litSignal will changeinto flashing "E"soon.XWBy-turn flashingously litEntry and Departure NGHowever, vessels already intowaterway may enter and departfrom the port.Entry andDepartureOKSignal will changeinto flashing "W"soon.NorthWaterwayNagoyaNorthSignalStationAdvancenoticesignalXFlashingEntry and Departure NGHowever, vessels already in waterways may enterand depart from the port.Signal will changeinto continuouslylit "X" soon.