For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters

For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters page 32/120


このページは For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters の電子ブックに掲載されている32ページの概要です。

- 28 -Table 2-5 East Waterway, West Waterway(Kinjo Signal Station (Signal Board facing the northwest))*For vessels to depart from the Kinjo ZoneWaterwayand SignalStationSignal Type ControlledvesselsVe....

- 28 -Table 2-5 East Waterway, West Waterway(Kinjo Signal Station (Signal Board facing the northwest))*For vessels to depart from the Kinjo ZoneWaterwayand SignalStationSignal Type ControlledvesselsVessels Subjectto ControlVessels lessthan 500GTRemarksEntrysignalIFlashing Departure NGDeparturesignalOFlashing Departure OKFreesignalFFlashing Departure NG Departure OKOEFlashingEast Waterway Departure OKWest Waterway Departure NGOWFlashingWest Waterway Departure OKEast Waterway Departure NGThis signalindicates whichwaterway (East orWest) vesselsdeparting from the*Kinjo Zone mayuse.EFlashingEast WaterwayDeparture OKWest WaterwayDeparture NGSpecialsignalWFlashingDeparture NG West WaterwayDeparture OK.East WaterwayDeparture NGDepartureOKThis signalindicates whichwaterway (East orWest ) vesselssubject to controldeparting from*Kinjo Zone mayuse.ProhibitionsignalXContinuously lit Departure NGonly vesselsspecified by theCaptain of the Portmay depart fromthe port.XIBy-turn flashingously litSignal will changeinto flashing "I"soon.XOBy-turn flashingously litSignal will changeinto flashing "O",or "OE" or "OW"flashing by turnsoon.XFBy-turn flashingously litSignal will changeinto flashing "F"soon.XEBy-turn flashingously litSignal will changeinto flashing "E"soon.XWBy-turn flashingously litDeparture NG DepartureOKSignal will changeinto flashing "W"soon.EastWaterwayWestWaterwayKinjoSignalStationSignalBoardFacingNorthwest[For KinjoZone]AdvancenoticesignalXFlashing Entry and Departure NGSignal will changeinto continuouslylit "X" soon.* The Kinjo Zone is the area north of the line extending from the south end of Kinjo Pier to the southeast end ofthe West-4 Section.