For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters

For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters page 31/120


このページは For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters の電子ブックに掲載されている31ページの概要です。

- 27 -Table 2-4 West Waterway(Takashio Bohatei West Signal Station)Waterwayand SignalStationSignal Type ControlledvesselsVessels Subjectto ControlVessels lessthan 500 GT RemarksEntrysignalIFlashingEnt....

- 27 -Table 2-4 West Waterway(Takashio Bohatei West Signal Station)Waterwayand SignalStationSignal Type ControlledvesselsVessels Subjectto ControlVessels lessthan 500 GT RemarksEntrysignalIFlashingEntry OKDeparture NGDeparturesignalOFlashingDeparture OKEntry NGFreesignalFFlashingEntry andDeparture NGEntry andDeparture OKSpecialsignalTFlashingOnly West Entry from Line T OKDeparture NGEntry andDepartureOKLine T is the lineextending fromsoutheast end ofWest-4 Section tothe northeast endof port Island.(Refer to thefigure below)ProhibitionsignalXContinuously lit Entry and Departure NGOnly vesselsspecified by theCaptain of thePort may enterand depart fromthe port.XIBy-turn flashingously litSignal willchange intoflashing "I" soon.XOBy-turn flashingously litSignal willchange intoflashing "O"soon.XFBy-turn flashingously litEntry and Departure NGHowever, vessels already intowaterway may enter and departfrom the port.Entry andDepartureOKSignal willchange intoflashing "F"soon.WestWaterwayTakashioBohateiEastSignalStationAdvancenoticesignalXFlashingEntry and Departure NGHowever, vessels already in waterway may enterand depart from the port.Signal willchange intocontinuously lit"X" soon.