For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters

For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters page 120/120


このページは For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters の電子ブックに掲載されている120ページの概要です。

-18-Scene Judgement Countermeasures RemarksPurse seine nettersbound for a fishingground, or beforecasting the pursenet.Two boats proceed side by sidewhile drawing a small boatbound for a fishing gro....

-18-Scene Judgement Countermeasures RemarksPurse seine nettersbound for a fishingground, or beforecasting the pursenet.Two boats proceed side by sidewhile drawing a small boatbound for a fishing ground (oron their home-ward trip). Theycarry a mountain of purse seinenets on the poop.Often seen in the morningor in the evening.Towing net fishingby one boatA boat engaged in towing netfishing makes a turn toward thebuoy marker located at the areawhere the towing net was firstthrouwn, while towing the net.When the net is heaved up, theboat casts anchor, so care must betaken.Extreme care must be taken whenthe ship is proceeding close to thecoast.Collision-averting manoeuvresmust be done giving an ampleallowance.Often seen inland sea andbay areas along the entirecoast of Japan.Towing net fishing isfrequently carried on by twoboats.False shelterfishing for doradoBundles of bamboo some10-metre long are fixed to the seabottom, and marker flags or piecesof natural wood are provided.In some cases, towing net fishing,and net operations are carried onin the vicinity, and the ship mustpass with care.The ship must not pass over thefalse shelter for dorado.Often seen in the coasts ofKyushu, the Japan Sea side,and the southern part ofShikoku.Divers fishing This is often the case for penshell fishingThe fishing boat casts anchorand flies flag "A".No attempt should be made tocome close to such a boat.Collision-averting manoeuvresmust leave ample allowance.Often seen in the inland seaand bay areas of the Chuburegion and farther west.Kazeutase amifishingThis form of fishing is rarely seenthese days, but sufficient caremust be taken as nets are drawn inwaters to the leeward, andcollision-adverting manoeuvresmust be done with care.With this fishing method,nets are drawn with the aidof the wind (Setonaikaiarea).Seldom seen today.These marker flagsare generally usedfor fishing(long-lining, surfnet fishing,octopus podfishing, basketfishing, etc.) andare frequently seenin the coastalwaters of Japan.It is recommended that thesemarker flags and buoys are notto be passed over directly. It isrecommended to avoid them.They can, in some cases, beconnected together, sosufficient care must be takenCoastal waters, inland sea andbay areas.Marker flags or buoys providedwith lights could be forlong-lining, drift gill netfishing, etc. So sifficient caremust be taken to look out forfishing vessels in the vicinity.Precautions must be takenwhen casting anchors in thecoastal waters or bay areas.