For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters page 12/120
このページは For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters の電子ブックに掲載されている12ページの概要です。
- 8 -(5) TyphoonThe average course of typhoon classified by month, according to a statistical observation,goes as Fig. 1-9. As may be readily understood there from, typhoon having gone up north turn....
- 8 -(5) TyphoonThe average course of typhoon classified by month, according to a statistical observation,goes as Fig. 1-9. As may be readily understood there from, typhoon having gone up north turnsto the northeast in the vicinity of lat. 20 degrees-30 degrees N. on Japanese waters and speedsup quickly. At the same time, it represents a time when the typhoon develops exceedingly. Onthe top of it, attention is to be given to the fact that among typhoons there is such a typhoon asto be called so-called stray one and take an irregular course. In general, forecast of the typhooncourse is based on upper wind. In addition to it, following forecasts are possible in the light ofempirical rules.(a) It proceeds to the direction where the degree of pressure fall in exceedingly great.(b) It proceeds to the direction where there is a rainfall area.In any case, it is essential to get continuous information and to take action to keep awayfrom the typhoon earlier than usual.Fig. 1-9 Typhoon