For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters page 106/120
このページは For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters の電子ブックに掲載されている106ページの概要です。
-4-Fig. R-7 Shows the boat seine fishing with one boat.(3) Purse seine fishingThis is a fishing method to catch fish by env....
-4-Fig. R-7 Shows the boat seine fishing with one boat.(3) Purse seine fishingThis is a fishing method to catch fish by enveloping schools of fish in a fishing equipment.Fishing boats using for this fishing method are from 2 to 3 tons for small-scale coastaloperations, to about 100 tons of medium-sized or large size. The largest is some 500 to 1000tons for deep-sea purse seine fishing.Fig. R-9 shows the setup for two-boat purse seine fishing, where all the floats appear on thesea surface, thus characterizing this fishing method.Fig. R-8 Operating Areas of Medium-sized/Large Seine Fishing Boats and Major Fishing Grounds