For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters page 101/120
このページは For the Safety Navigation In Japanese Coastal Waters の電子ブックに掲載されている101ページの概要です。
- 97 -vessel cannot follow the intended course line due to the effects of wind and tidal current.7. Select Good Anchorage & Do Not Drag Anchor(1) The anchorage where the anchor holds well shall be sel....
- 97 -vessel cannot follow the intended course line due to the effects of wind and tidal current.7. Select Good Anchorage & Do Not Drag Anchor(1) The anchorage where the anchor holds well shall be selected by large-scale charts, and thedragging of anchor shall be prevented by two anchor mooring if necessary.(2) To discover dragging anchor early, the exact position of your ship shall be confirmed duringanchorage, relevent.8. Obey All Marine Traffic Laws / Regulations(1) The contents of maritime traffic laws / regulations such as the Law for Preventing Collisionsat Sea, Maritime Traffic Safety Law, and Port Regulation Law, including guidelines, applied tothe intended sea area of the navigation shall be understood and complied with.(2) Especially as to local rules, items applicable to the intended sea area of the schedulednavigation shall be sufficiently checked in advance.9. Prevention of DozingSince the causes of running aground casualty include dozing, a strict watch-keeping shall bemaintained and also the onboard working environment, etc. shall be taken into due consideration.10. Maintainance of Communication with the Vessel Traffic Service Center, etc.(1) Ships carrying VHF radio telephone shall maintain a watch on Channel 16 (156.8 Mhz)during navigation. Especially when it is sailing within the sea area to which the MaritimeTraffic Safety Law and Port Regulation Law apply, Channel 16 shall be always watched.(2) When navigating the Japanese coast area, officers who understand Japanese or English shallbe on board, when sailing within sea area to which the Maritime Traffic Safety Law and PortRegulation Law apply, these officers shall always be on duty. All Information from the VesselTraffic Service Center is given in Japanese or English All.11. Others(1) When entering or leaving a port or sailing on a traffic route, a ship not familiar withnavigating in a congested with traffic area shall have a pilot on board as far as possible, even ifthe ship is not subjected to the compulsory employment of the pilot.(2) If you are not well acquainted with the area do not sail at night or when there is poor visibilityor when the tidal current is strong.(3) Should any accident occur, the shipowner is responsible for taking actions against spill of oiland removing the hull, and so the shipowner shall contract the insurance (P.I. insurance) of asufficient amount.