Technical support on oil spill response  for the Sri Lanka Coast Guard (Summary of results) - Continuing our efforts to realize FOIP -

1 Japan Coast Guard (JCG) dispatched five officials consist of not only Mobile Cooperation Team(MCT) which provides foreign coa

st guard agencies with capacity building but also officer of Marine Environment Protection and Disaster Prevention Division and National Strake Team (NST) which is specialized oil spill response team t

o Sri Lanka from 4th to 24th Feb. in 2023. We provide technical support on oil spill response to the Sri Lanka Coast Guard (SLCG)

2 This dispatch has been ongoing since 2014 under the JICA technical cooperation program with the aim of improving oil control technology in SLCG. This time, we have focused on "Project for institutionalization support to establish an in-house advanced Oil Spill Incident Management Training Program at S

LCG for Disaster Mitigation and Marine Environment Protection" and have provided support for the development of instructors within SLCG for oil control measures.

3 During the training in Sri Lanka, SLCG instructor candidates developed and implemented their own case management plans based on the knowledge and skills acquired through the previous training, And conducted self-evaluation and improvement after the training. The training has confirmed that they have not only acquired the knowledge and skills required of instructors, but have also developed the ability to teach and spread the knowledge within their

own countries.

4 JCG will continue to provide support for instructor training and cooperate with coast guard agencies in other countries to realize a Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) based on the rule of law. JCG will also engag

e actively in contributing to developing coast guard in the Indo-Pacific region.
evaluation_measurement_in_early_terms_of_trainingclassroom Lecture related to environmental research

gas detector handlingQandA_session

jcg officials and slcg trainees